all postcodes in CO15 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO15 3AA 12 5 51.793288 1.148501
CO15 3AD 4 0 51.793927 1.150579
CO15 3AE 56 0 51.793765 1.149811
CO15 3AG 51 4 51.793499 1.149357
CO15 3AH 19 7 51.79381 1.148465
CO15 3AL 1 1 51.793512 1.14785
CO15 3AN 7 3 51.793887 1.147934
CO15 3AW 10 1 51.794155 1.14801
CO15 3AP 34 1 51.794413 1.14945
CO15 3AQ 27 0 51.793003 1.150396
CO15 3AR 9 0 51.795044 1.150541
CO15 3AS 32 0 51.79425 1.150831
CO15 3AT 7 2 51.794696 1.148065
CO15 3AU 36 11 51.795466 1.148421
CO15 3AX 2 1 51.796302 1.148917
CO15 3AY 14 8 51.795305 1.148833
CO15 3AZ 7 3 51.794223 1.148494
CO15 3BA 12 2 51.794489 1.148628
CO15 3BD 8 0 51.79388 1.147527
CO15 3BE 16 0 51.794027 1.147088